Using Geochemical Data Rollinson Free __FULL__ Download Pdf
Using Geochemical Data brings together in one volume a wide range of ideas and methods currently used in geochemistry, providing a foundation of knowledge from which the reader can interpret, evaluate and present geochemical data.
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This textbook is a complete rewrite, and expansion of Hugh Rollinson's highly successful 1993 book Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation. Rollinson and Pease's new book covers the explosion in geochemical thinking over the past three decades, as new instruments and techniques have come online. It provides a comprehensive overview of how modern geochemical data are used in the understanding of geological and petrological processes. It covers major element, trace element, and radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. It explains the potential of many geochemical techniques, provides examples of their application, and emphasizes how to interpret the resulting data. Additional topics covered include the critical statistical analysis of geochemical data, current geochemical techniques, effective display of geochemical data, and the application of data in problem solving and identifying petrogenetic processes within a geological context. It will be invaluable for all graduate students, researchers, and professionals using geochemical techniques.
All samples were cut into slabs, trimmed to remove weathered surfaces, and then crushed gently in many stages using a steel mortar and pestle to separate mineral grains from each other while breaking them as little as possible. Whole rock powders of the host basalts and crustal xenoliths were produced in an agate mill. Grains of clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase were separated by sieving and hand-picking under a binocular microscope. Before dissolution, clean, visibly inclusion-free mineral grains were washed with cold HCl in an ultrasonic bath, and then repeatedly rinsed with deionized water.
Major and minor element concentrations in mineral separates were measured using the JEOL JXA8900 electron microprobe at the University of Münster. All minerals were analyzed at 15 kV and 15 nA using a focused beam. Counting times for all elements were 10 s for the peaks and 5 s for the backgrounds except for Na and K, which were counted for 5 and 2.5 s, respectively. All mineral probe analyses presented are averages of three to six individual spots. The analytical data for the minerals are presented in Table 4a (electronic supplementary material). 350c69d7ab